High-End 7" (18cm) høyttalersett fra Ground Zero. Dette er helt i toppnivå av hva du får av høyttalere i bil. EISA-vinner for beste High-End produkt. Selv de mest High-End kresne vil smile og nikke anerkjennende til disse.
- Eisa vinner 2012-13 High-End produkt
- GZPK Reference 180
- 18 cm / 7 "midwoofer med tre- phaseplug
- håndlaget i Europa og valgt i par
- belagt kompositt papercone
- hybrid magnet (keramisk + neodym)
- håndlaget en "kobber talespole
- aluminium spole form
- håndlaget aluminium- stabilit kurv
- inkludert grill
- GZPT Reference 28
- 28 mm / 1 "spesialbelagt SQ Silkdome diskant
- Håndlaget i Europa og valgt i par
- med vedtatt volum
- kobber ring for å senke forvrengning
- Håndlaget kobber talespole
- Aluminum spole form
- aluminium
- GZPX Referanse
- 2-veis crossover
- "Laget i Tyskland"
- Mundorf Mcap® RXF og copperfoil inductors
- individuelle tilpasninge
Testreferat fra Car & HiFi 4/08:
The music almost "jumps at you" when playing these speakers... It is unbelievable how natural it sounds... if you open your eyes you are disappointed, because you can not see the singer you think standing in front of you when listening to his voice... You can easily imagine how big or small the room has been, where the music has been recorded... it is all clear and perfect, so you have a "picture" in your head... It takes a while to get used to the sound of this speaker system and due to the pretty low Qts of the midrange (Qts 0.29) some will miss a little of the very low bass, but you get the most precise kick bass ever... High-End listeners will smile when listening to these speakers...